July 2023 | Michigan Fosters

This month, Frances Jaye is investing in Michigan Fosters. We will be donating 2% of July sales to support their mission of forging a community of support surrounding and fortifying those impacted by the foster care system.
Who They Are
Michigan Fosters is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization located in Ottawa County, Michigan. They believe that all families matter. They strive to strengthen families by standing by parents of children in the foster care system, working to bring healing to foster children who have experienced trauma, and supporting the foster families who are on the front lines of this exceptional work.-
What They Do
- Mitten Meals: freezer meals delivered to foster families when they receive a new foster care placement or to help stabilize a placement.
- MIBundle: bundles of resources including household items, clothing, school supplies, and other essentials needed for the arrival of a new foster placement or to help sustain placements in crisis. Referrals are completed through the MiSupportStation and Michigan Fosters then helps to coordinate with local organizations to meet these needs. The MiBundle program was created to help set placements up for success.
- Cycle: their bike exchange program available to foster/kinship families in West Michigan. Their goal is to lessen the bike shuffle/storage hassle that comes with caring for different children throughout the year.
- Journey Home: a physical house in Ottawa County which serves as a gathering place for those within the foster care system.
Visit the Michigan Fosters website to learn more about their organization.